Saturday, March 28, 2009

Lost in LA.

That's all I've got in me right now.

And pretty much sums it up. Different posts are swirling in my snot-ridden, jet lagged head, but I can't seem to bring myself to write anything coherent at the moment. Except just now. There. I did it again. I'm writing.

I'm summing it up:

Lost in LA.

More to come.


  1. What an adjustment this must be for you! I hope you start feeling settled soon. I've been thinking about you. :)

  2. Welcome back to the US. The time difference must be killing you!! Feel better soon..and I've missed your posting..

  3. You'll find the middle ground soon...give yourself some time to find that elusive balance. It will come.

  4. Welcome back! Have you moved back? When I lived in West Africa for 2 years, I had reverse culture shock when I came back to the US. It was weird, but I was happy to be home.
